Susan Fletcher
Susan Fletcher author




mid­dle grade novels

young adult novels

pic­ture books

Just the Facts

Now, I real­ize that some of you may have to write reports, and I haven’t giv­en you much to work with. You’ll prob­a­bly need a few facts, no mat­ter how bor­ing. Here are some facts about me:

  • I was born in Pasade­na, California.
  • I’ve also lived in Ohio, Col­orado, Michi­gan, Min­neso­ta, and Oregon.
  • I cur­rent­ly live in Texas.
  • My hus­band is a retired his­to­ry professor.
  • My hus­band res­cued our dog, Neville, from the pound. Neville is part black-mouth cur and part mys­tery breed(s).
  • I went to col­lege. I have a bach­e­lor of arts and a mas­ter of arts, both in English.
  • I’ve worked as a wait­ress, a dish­wash­er, a book­store clerk, an adver­tis­ing “traf­fic coor­di­na­tor” and a copywriter.
  • I used to teach in Ver­mont Col­lege of Fine Arts’ Mas­ter of Fine Arts in Writ­ing for Chil­dren and Young Adults program.
  • I am a ter­ri­ble out­door gar­den­er but adore houseplants.
  • I have trad­ed in my bicy­cle on a pair of run­ning shoes.

See also: About Susan

Our dog, Neville, at rest. (pho­to by R.J.Q. Adams)

If you want to know more about me, you can look at the fol­low­ing ref­er­ence books in a library:

  • Ninth Book of Junior Authors and Illus­tra­tors, edit­ed by Con­nie C. Rockman.
  • Some­thing About the Author: Auto­bi­og­ra­phy Series, vol. 25, edit­ed by Lin­da R. Andres.
  • Some­thing About the Author, vol. 70, edit­ed by Don­na Olen­dorf and Diane Telgen.