Susan Fletcher
Susan Fletcher author




mid­dle grade novels

young adult novels

pic­ture books

Sign of the Dove

Lyf has always been pam­pered, ever since she caught ver­mil­ion fever and drank drag­on’s milk to cure it. The milk turned her eyes green — a sure sign that she could speak with drag­ons. But being able to com­mu­ni­cate with drag­ons is not a cov­et­ed gift, not when the Queens’ forces are killing the drag­ons for their hearts and impris­on­ing all who try to stop them.

Now the last of the drag­on eggs are hatch­ing, and the drag­ons and dra­clings are in greater dan­ger than ever before. Their safe­ty lies with a few drag­on friends who bear the sign of the dove, like Lyf. But in order to save the drag­ons, Lyf will have to leave behind her life as a pam­pered child and accept a treach­er­ous journey—one she may not survive.


Down­load the Drag­on Chron­i­cles book­mark to color.

awards and recognition

  • Sequoy­ah (Okla­homa) Award nom­i­nee, 1998–99

a note from the author

I seem to have issues with courage. I don’t have near­ly enough of it. One time I con­fessed this to mem­bers of a book group who had invit­ed me to answer ques­tions about Shad­ow Spin­ner. One woman said, “What? You have no courage? But your char­ac­ters are all so brave!”

“Exact­ly,” I said. “I’m work­ing with the issue. I’m imag­in­ing what it would be like. If I imag­ine courage hard enough and long enough, maybe I’ll get some.”

It’s not that my hero­ines aren’t scared. They are. But they just go ahead and do the scary things any­way. That’s my def­i­n­i­tion of courage.

But there is one notable chick­en among my brave hero­ines. It’s Lyf, in Sign of the Dove. She is con­front­ed with some­thing scary she knows she real­ly ought to do … and she actu­al­ly runs away. (Or tries to! But her mean author does­n’t let her.)

I’ve done a few kind of unusu­al things, things that were scary to me (but maybe not so scary to any­one else). And there is always this moment, this moment when I am about to do the scary thing but I’m not quite actu­al­ly doing it yet, this moment when I say to myself, What are you doing? You’re insane. Just stop this non­sense right now and go home.

Courage? I’m work­ing on it.

So Lyf starts out about as yel­low bel­lied as any­one you’d ever hope to meet. But she is forced to do scary things, and her courage grows with every obsta­cle she con­fronts. The book’s edi­tor, Jean Karl, said her favorite thing about Sign of the Dove is that Lyf believ­ably grows so much. That meant a lot to me.

Oh, and I should tell you that there are lots and lots of trou­ble­some, ornery, love­able dra­clings in this book. And baby-sit­ting, of course!

Sign of the Dove

Book 3 of the
Drag­on Chronicles

Atheneum Books
for Young Readers

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