Susan Fletcher
Susan Fletcher author




mid­dle grade novels

young adult novels

pic­ture books

A Bear Far from Home

This poignant his­tor­i­cal non­fic­tion book, about a polar bear that was gift­ed to King Hen­ry III, beau­ti­ful­ly shows the impor­tance of respect­ing our nat­ur­al world and its pre­cious animals.

Long ago, when kings and queens ruled much of the world, the king of Nor­way gave the king of Eng­land a bear.

Imag­ine a polar bear at ease in her nat­ur­al arc­tic world, her only home — until trap­pers cap­ture her and take her to the king of England.

Imag­ine a polar bear in her lone­ly new world, stuck in a cage. This small, enclosed space is her only home — until King Hen­ry III decrees that she be brought to the Thames Riv­er every day to swim and fish.

Imag­ine now this same polar bear dip­ping a curi­ous paw in the riv­er water, then leap­ing in with a joy­ful splash. And it is here, in this unfa­mil­iar, far­away land, in one small way, that she finds home once again.

illus­tra­tion © Rebec­ca Green, from A Bear Far from Home, writ­ten by Susan Fletch­er, pub­lished by Anne Schwartz Books


  “A beau­ti­ful pack­age that puts a beat­ing heart into his­to­ry.” (Book­list, starred review)

A Bear Far from Home

illus­trat­ed by
Rebec­ca Green

Anne Schwartz Books
Pen­guin Ran­dom House

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